FINAL BETA - Original Soundtrack

Today's update is the final beta of Daughter of Dreams: Chapter One! This update adds the full original soundtrack, composed by Eve Madrona. And, it's available on Bandcamp! This has been months in the making, and I'm incredibly excited.

Now, my focus is getting Chapter One ready for a final release. I have one more major content update planned, which will wrap up some loose ends in the story, and add several sidequests and new abilities. Then, Chapter One will release officially!

However, I am no longer planning to develop Chapter Two. I still want to accomplish much more, but the project has become far too big for me to achieve on my own. Instead, I will develop a new game set in the same world. This will allow me to move on to something new and refreshing, without abandoning Daughter of Dreams entirely. Daughter of Dreams might still return, in the distant future...

Stay tuned for news about Daughter of Dream's upcoming official release and for my new upcoming project. In the meantime, check out the new soundtrack, and try the latest beta! Daughter of Dreams: Chapter One is available for Windows, Linux, and Opera GX.


Daughter of Dreams - 23.05.3b 24 MB
Jul 15, 2023
Daughter of Dreams - 23.05.3b Linux.AppImage 26 MB
Jul 15, 2023

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